Making A Living Podcast

Would you like to convey more confidence when you speak?  Are you concerned about posture issues sitting at a desk all day?  And what about looking down at your phone, does that affect posture?  All these questions and more are answered by my guest (and posture geek) Lindsay Newitter.  Lindsay is a certified Alexander Technique teacher who specializes in improving posture.  She has over 15 years experience working with individuals, groups, and companies and now specializes in helping women convey confidence when they communicate.  Her tips have been on Good Morning America, CBS Radio and in The New York Times and Vogue.

Lindsay discovered the Alexander Technique in her early 20s while dealing with the repercussions of scoliosis and having spent 5 years wearing a back brace as an adolescent.  The results of what she learned were life-changing and she now enjoys imparting what’s helped her so much to others.  Listen in and you will learn specific and practical things you can be doing right now to improve your posture and bring more confidence to your career. 

Watch the video version of Lindsay's interview for BONUS Content on what type of office furniture is best for posture.  And find out more at and at   Special thanks to Lindsay for my very own Pause mug! 

Also in this episode:

Happy Holidays!


Direct download: MALM84Nov2022_-_11-30-22_8.40_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:44am EDT

Ever wanted to leave a job because of a toxic workplace culture?  Leaving is one approach but what if you could stay and make positive change?  This episode will empower you to flip the script on the work environment for the better!   My guest will share insights from her new book Own Your Armor: Revolutionary Change for Workplace CultureMichelle Brody PhD knows and understands workplace dynamics and shares how you can change them whether you are a leader or an employee.  You will love her practical wisdom!

I'm also excited to announce that I published a book on the 20th anniversary of my coaching practive.  It's called, Are you ready to love your job? Make a great living through Soul Search, Research and Job Search.  Rated #1 in New Releases in Job Hunting on Amazon.  It is available in paperback and kindle format.  For people who are unhappy or unsure about their careers, my book offers over 60 tips with practical advice and inspiring real-life examples.  I can truly say that were it not for my husband Craig Zabransky and for my clients who’s examples I share; the book would not have been possible.  I also share my own career story in the hopes that it inspires you to follow your dreams – even if they take a long time or seem hard.  Your dreams are there for a reason.  Live them!  And help other live their dreams by purchasing a copy of the book today
I also share a tip from my book on how to identify the type of work environment that will work for you!
Listen in and get inspired to revolutionize your workplace culture without the armor!

Direct download: MALM83Oct2022_-_11-9-22_7.20_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:26pm EDT

It's back to school time and the perfect opportunity to share advice and insight on work parenting. My guest is Coach Daisy Dowling author of Workparent: The Complete Guide to Succeeding on the Job, Staying True to Yourself and Raising Happy Kids. Listen in for Daisy's expert tips on:

  • how to assess your workparenting template,
  • how to build confidence in combining work, family and self,
  • common mistakes to avoid.

(FOR BONUS CONTENT from my interview with Daisy check out this video on my YouTube channel)

Also included in this podcast episode is a tip on how to step up to the plate in managing your own career. Additional resources mentioned in this episode include:


Direct download: MALM82Sept2022_-_9-2-22_2.44_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EDT

Do you know your Soul agenda?  Are you being authentic and true to yourself with your career choices?   If not and you're operating from fear, you're missing out on all the higher, more purposeful opportunities available to you. 

In this episode, I interview Annie Kaur a Spiritual Master Medium. Annie’s gifts are rooted in her heritage as part of a line of spiritual ancestral service to humanity.  Her soul agenda is to enlighten, educate, inspire & evolve people from a 3 Dimensional Level to a 5 Dimensional level through her natural born ability of Channeling. 

According to Annie, the soul is the core essence of your energy and it’s knowing this core essence that leads us to true success.  Hear her advice for bringing your more authentic self to work and the benefits and blessings of that approach.

Also in this episode, a career tip with key ways to tap into your intuition. We all have an inner knowing or intuition.  Some may be more tuned in or more practiced at listening to the intuitive wisdom but even if you’ve never used your intuition before, trust me, it’s still there.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Music credits for this episode -

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

  • License code: TZ6EB4FOWOE4FSG7
  • License code: G4R9LS7UOJLRXMPD
Direct download: MALM81Aug2022_-_8-13-22_5.26_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:19pm EDT

What you put on your resume matters for each and every job that you apply.  My guest in this episode of Making a Living with Maggie has extensive experience helping job seekers customize their resumes to get through applicant tracking systems.  Hear from Angela Ashurst-McGee, a Certified Professional Resume Writer and the creator of RedRocketResume, a premium resume-writing service for professionals who want to keep their career moving onward and upward. 

Also in this episode, career tips on how to survive a layoff. Layoffs are often viewed as setbacks but what if they’re actually boosts instead of kicks?  If you or someone you know has been laid-off, there some important ways to turn this challenge into a blessing in disguise.

Additional resources in this episode:

Direct download: MALM80June2022_-_7-3-22_8.34_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40am EDT

Do you feel resilient or is stress taking a toll? Would you like to improve your health, wealth and relationships?  If so, it's time to get to the root cause or your unhappiness.

Special guest Korrine Holt shares insights from her 15+ years coaching and energy healing CEOs to soccer moms, doctors to mental health professionals, at-risk teens, and young women rescued from human trafficking.  She says until you get to the root cause, you prolong pain and suffering.  Listen in to the tools and tips she shares to help you move forward and create happiness at work and in life.

Find out more about Korrine's work and contact her at the and check out her inspiring book Poetic Ascension

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Psychology Today article on Resilience

Jean Chatzky's appearance on Making Living with Maggie sharing salary negotiation tips

Direct download: MALM79Mar2022_-_4-26-22_1.27_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48pm EDT

Do you need to get back your mojo for life and career?  Then now is the time to listen in.  In this episode you will get inspired to enliven your passion for creativity and self-expression.  Learn to honor, listen to and act on your own inspired creative impulses to make your career come alive again. 

Creativity is the key to life. It heals us and makes us whole.  If you are feeling the pull to do something creative or get more creative about your career choices, you will love my guest. 

Mary van de Wiel recently expanded her career by painting her way into being.  International branding maverick and visionary in the brand intelligence space, Van found her self-expression led her to bold mark-making.  She was open to what called her and out of that experience came Black Line Crazy - a successful new business.  Van says to explore what lights you up and get out of your own way.  Her words of wisdom will inspire you trust your own creative spark and make bold career moves into new areas of success and happiness for you. 

Resources included this episode:


Direct download: MALM78Feb2022v2_-_2-28-22_9.05_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:27am EDT

The time has come for us to be honest with ourselves. Honest about our goals, our dreams, how we really want to spend our time, what makes our hearts sing. Honest about what’s working and not working in our lives and careers, etc.

For many people I speak with, stress is not something they want to keep in their lives. Sometimes stress can get in the way of listening to our hearts. So in this episode, I’m excited to feature registered dietitian and personal trainer, Callie Exas. Callie specializes in helping clients heal their bodies from the impacts of burnout with nutrition and self care by making themselves a priority in their lives.

Given the rates of professional burnout, below are more resources on this important topic and this month’s career tip will also focus on how to foster a productive professional relationship with your manager so you can get more fulfillment and less stress from your job.

Thank you to our sponsor - check out their upcoming wine tasting and sign up for the newsletter to stay up-to-date on future events. 

Useful articles about burnout and ways to heal:
How to Overcome Burnout at Work
Indeed Study on Worker Burnout
Employee Burnout: The Biggest Myth
Brain Foods to Eat (And Avoid) Before An Interview

Direct download: MALM77Jan2022_-_1-31-22_9.27_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23pm EDT