Making A Living Podcast

To make a successful career change, you first have to believe it's possible.  Tune into this episode and learn key ways to support yourself in developing a career success mindset.  These lessons are from the Lisbon Career Exploration Retreat I delivered recently and allow you to take and make your own mini-retreat. 

Also featured is an interview with Sara Bliss, author of Take The Leap: Change Your Career, Change Your Life.  Sara and I discuss misconceptions about career change as well as how the successful career changers she profiled in the book made their new careers a reality. 

Career change isn't something to be feared, it can bring you greater happiness and success than you ever imagined.  But you have to get started.  Tune in and get inspired to get on the path toward work you love.

Also referenced in the episode: 9 Ways to Find Your Perfect Match, an article that Sara wrote based on the 9 ideal career elements I support my clients in Soul Searching through so they can define new, best-fit career possibilities.

Direct download: MALM53May2019v2.mp3
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