Making A Living Podcast

Recently I was interviewed on Headline News about a viral news story about a woman who was dropped from an interview process because she asked about salary.  Listen to what I shared on HLN about the story via the audio clip in the second half of this show (and view the video clip here). 

Money is one of the 9 areas help people gain clarity around when I take them through my Soul Search, Research and Job Search process.  Money is a motivator but it’s not the only one and if you’ve only been thinking “show me the money” when it comes to jobs, you’re missing out on being fulfilled by your work. 

Feeling the love from our work is crucial. And you’re going to hear from a real person who gets more than just money rewards at work, she feels the love too.  She gets to work at a place where coworkers feel like family, where they genuinely appreciate and value one another and where they’re experiencing great success.  Sound like a dream?  It’s not.  It’s reality and my first guest Ronna Vigil is going to share the ways she’s created the loving environment in which she’s worked for the past 10 yrs.  Listen in and find the love in your work today…(Check out Ronna's book - Pen It Forward:Use Your Words to Spread Love and Joy in a Handwritten Letter)

Direct download: MALM32.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm EDT

There are a lot of misconceptions about how to work with headhunters and executive recruiters.  Don't make mistakes and miss out on opportunities.  Rather listen into my interview with Caroline McClure of Scout Rock.  An expert in the recruiting industry, Caroline shares insights on the different types of organizations that place people into jobs and two important resources to help you get your resume in front of the right recruiters for the work you want to do.  I also share insights from an insightful recent article from on the Best Job Sites.  Make your next job search the most effective, listen in now!

Direct download: MALM031.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EDT