Making A Living Podcast

I love to encourage people to follow their dreams. Its how I close every email I send. Well sometimes that dream is to be your own boss or at least have control of your own time and destiny.  My guest today is a very successful entrepreneur. Her business has grown despite all odds and despite a back roads location. Jessi Roberts, founder of Cheeky's, has persevered through some very tough times. Jessi shares her secrets to success as outlined in her new book - Backroads Boss Lady: Happiness Ain't a Side Hustle - Straight Talk on Creating the Life You Deserve.  Get inspired to move beyond any challenges facing you and instead use what you’ve got to become the success you were meant to be. Jessi also shares tips on how you can maintain work life balance and give back to others.  Check it out!

Also included in this episode my tips to find happiness when tackling a job search.  At the end of the day, as Audrey Hepburn said, “the most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy.” 

Direct download: MALM49Feb20191.mp3
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