Making A Living Podcast

Have you been harboring a "crazy" idea for your career?  Aren't sure what to do with it or how to make it happen?  There are proven ways to make your career dream a reality and people who've done it.  Listen in for success stories from me and from entrepreneur Nicole Cichocki, creator of Truth, Beauty and Goodness.  Get an injection of positivity and possibility if fear has been holding you back from going after your own dream job.  And learn about inspiring resources including a mastermind support group starting this month to help you further your career dreams.  If you have a crazy idea you've been harboring for your career and aren't sure what to do with it, this month's podcast will help you see you're not crazy, you're onto something.  Let your genius out into the world.  The world needs us all following our dreams!

Direct download: MLM28.mp3
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